Scuppernong or Muscadine Jelly
Prep time: 10 min |Cook time: 25 min
Yield: About 8 half pints
Muscadines are the native Southern grape, ripening here in the South during the late summer and early fall months.
Ingredients for the Juice:
- 3 quarts of muscadine or scuppernong grapes
- 2 cups of water
Juice Directions:
- Remove stems and discard blemished fruit from the muscadines.
- Add to a large 8 to 10 quart pot and run through several cycles of water until water runs clear.
- Add 2 cups of fresh water, bring to a boil, reduce to simmer and cook for for 20 minutes.
- Use a potato masher to crush the grapes periodically as they cook.
- Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
- Line a large sieve with several layers of cheesecloth and allow the mixture to drip through naturally on it's own, stirring occasionally and adding more of the pulp, for at least an hour or longer, for the most clear juice. Otherwise, work mixture gently through the sieve, straining several times. You should get at least 5 to 6 cups of juice.
- Compost the solids.
- The juice may be refrigerated or frozen at this point for later use. You may also sweeten it to taste for a drinking juice.
Ingredients for the Jelly:
- 5 cups of the strained juice
- 1 (1.75 ounce) box of powdered pectin (like Sure-Jell) or 6tablespoons or 1/3 cup
- 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
- 7 cups granulated sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon butter
Jelly Directions:
- Wash jelly jars and lids on dish washer.
- Pour 5 cups of juice into large pot and add the lemon juice.
- Mix pectin and 1 cup sugar. Stir into juice.
- Add butter to keep foam from forming.
- Bring to a rolling boil, that cannot be stirred down.
- Add the rest of the sugar.
- Bring back up to a rolling boil and boil hard for 1 minute, stirring constantly.
- Test for thickness - put a metal spoon in glass of ice water. Take a half spoonful of jelly and let it cool to room tempertature. If not thick enough, add more pectin and boil for 1 minute.
- Remove from heat, let rest for 5 minutes. If needed, skim foam off the top. If butter is added, you don't have foam.
- Fill jars - Ladle into jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace and wipe rims.
- Seat the lid and tighten the ring.
- Process in a hot water boiling water bath - Place jars in canning pot and cover with 1-2 inches water.
Boil for 10 minutes.
Winston Salem, NC Elevation 970′ - Lift jars out of water and place on cooling rack or cookie sheet.
- Cool overnight.
- Make sure jars have sealed.
- Makes about 8 half pint jars or jelly jars.
Cook's Notes:
- Three quarts of muscadine grapes are about 4-1/2 pounds and should yield at least 5-1/2 to 6 cups juice.
- Use a pot that is large enough for the rolling bowl. Generally speaking the juice should fill only about 1/3 of the pot.
- To Freeze Juice: Pour into freezer containers leaving 1/2 inch of headspace; 1 inch if storing in glass jars, to allow for expansion.
- To Can Juice: Pour into hot, sterilized pint or quart jars and process for 10 minutes in water bath canner.